Saturday, 7 November 2015

English for Exports I: Talking about your Company


a. Can you find ten words connected with the exports industry? 

b. Using some of these words, write short sentences describing your company's business.
For example: We ship goods to different markets. 

Task 1: Reading

A report shows the best 25 companies in the USA to work for. Top of the list is Google. It is famous for excellent working conditions. Facebook was number one last year. A Google software engineer gets very good money. One old Google employee said staff are so happy that they rarely take holidays.

A different survey shows a different number one: the consulting firm Bain and Company is the best. Bain and Co. is very proud. It is a very professional company with over 40 years. Their staff want to make their clients around the world happy.

b. Reading Comprehension: Take this online quiz to check understanding
Multiple Choice online quiz

Task 2: Listening & Writing

a. Timeline - Famous Companies: Watch the following videos 

b. Giving descriptions and facts about these famous companies. 
Go to this google slide and write a short description: 


Task 3: Speaking 

a. Voicethread: Leave a message answering the two questions about your company and your responsibilities. 

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