Tuesday, 3 November 2015

The Importance of Communication

1. Communication (from Latin commūnicāre, meaning "to share") is the purposeful activity of information exchange between two or more participants in order to convey or receive the intended meanings through a shared system ofsigns and semiotic rules. 

Using at least 5 of the words from the cloud, write about the importance of interpersonal communication at your job. 

2. In the 20th century, the style of news and its impact on national populations expanded considerably with constant live broadcasting of radioand television, and finally, with the popularization of the internet.News is packaged information about current events happening somewhere else; or, alternatively, news is that which the news industry sells. 

Breaking News Stories: have a look at the timeline, choose two of the historical events and analyse the way the announcements are made: the selection of words, the tone, the setting, etc. 

3. Voicethread: The Importance of Nonverbal Communication

4. Talkgroup: What is your opinion? 


Anabela Stefanelli said...

Realmente interesante! Me encanto tu trabajo y las ideas en especial. Felicitaciones.

Me gusta en Inglés said...

Muy bueno Marian! Very creative! I liked it very much!